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First, There Were Three

Even though my ears couldn't pick up the buzz, I assume in Bug World the panicked hornet's buzzing thundered like a storm as he hovered at a window trying to escape.

I, on the other hand, was soaking in the sun while waiting for my friend to arrive for a an all-too rare lunch.

She arrived and we hugged. It'd been way too long since we had gotten together. She settled in and soon noticed the panicky hornet buzzing at our floor length window.

I saw a look in her eye.

Leave him alone and he'll leave us alone I advised.

I can now confess this was an untruth, as a beekeeper friend once said honeybees will only sting if provoked. Yellow-jackets and hornets, on the other hand...

We continued chatting unbothered. Until our frustrated hornet friend hovered and lit upon my index finger, and then flitted over to my friend's shoulder. She jumped up and I was like done messed with the wrong person.

Next thing, the hornet's on the ground. Glaring. At my friend. Before I could plead his case, her foot came down on him with a vengeance even as my pleas to spare his life were caught in my throat. Her shoe was now the Almighty trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.

She looked at me in her final stomps and her countenance had changed. Frankly, I was a little scared. 

He's dead! He's dead, already! I reasoned.

But wouldn't you know it, the thing kept moving, out of pure spite I think. Now, I was all about the trampling.

After more grueling trampling, he was indeed dead, and we laughed about it even though I still felt a little bad for him.

But my friend's look? That's her determination to fix this thing -- whatever it may be.

In fact, after our lunch, she'd be on her way to prepare 100 dinners for people whose home is the street, then deliver those meals to wherever those people were in whatever situation in which they found themselves.

The stomping, fixing -- the doing the hard work -- this is my friend's normal; and, in between doing all that, she writes incredibly moving stuff while still finding time time to encourage her me.

Still, I'm just praying for any ornery hornets -- be they bugs or humans -- who get in her way. 

Her shirt says it all: Underestimate me...THAT'LL BE FUN.


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