Instead of the “usual” status updates (e.g. Look at the mac-n-cheese I made, or We're at the Jelly Belly factory, etc.), a Facebook friend of mine posts a Question of the Day. I love the idea because not only is it a way to get to know each other better, but because it’s less Let me tell you about me and more I want to know more about you . My friend’s question can be silly or serious, but it never fails to get my mind percolating. Today’s question was: What was the best advice your mom ever gave you? ” Maybe its my way of keeping her alive, but I jump at any chance to talk about my mom, so the question was right up my alley. But she passed on so much wisdom in the 19 years I had with her, it was hard to decide. After a quick comb-through, it came to me: Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. Simple translation: Don’t drag your feet about finishing that project or your degree, or traveling if it’s your heart’s desire, or saying “I’m sorry” or “Thank you” o...
Finding out everyday that sometimes, late is right on time.