I’m not taking the easy way out today. Easy would be ranting about how my post from last year at this time was about a mass murder and this year, this week is only a week after another mass murder, and today is the day that legislation controlling firearms was voted down even as funerals are being held for people killed in the latest mass murder. At this point, Easy would force me into a corner, curled up in the fetal position while sucking my thumb. Instead, I’ll tackle more palatable topics because there's just too much insanity right now and I'm just unable to can with Easy . Thank you, Awesomely Luvvie for creating the mug we all need at one time or another. What's Easier than Easy? Things like... Where Did My Eyebrows Go and When Did They Leave? No really. I used to have eyebrows. Like, on each side of my face. Sometimes they’d convene in the middle, conversating and strategizing ways for them to be the best, most efficient unibrow they...
Finding out everyday that sometimes, late is right on time.